Where were you on October 21st, 2010? Listen to find out who won the 2010 “Immy Awards!” The nominees for each category are as follows:
Arts & Entertainment
1. Avatar 3D, James Cameron
2. Universal Studios King Kong 360 3D, Peter Jackson
3. AR Drone, Parrot
4. Move, Playstation
5. 360 Cinema Quality Video, Social Animal
1. The Allosphere, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin
2. StarCAVE, Calit2
3. SWIFT (Second World Immersive Future Teaching). University of Leicester
4. Virtual Lap Band, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
5. SimHub, University Center of Greenville
Health Sciences
1. Virtual Iraq, USC ICT
2. Da Vinci, Telerobotic Surgical System
3. Immersive Virtual Reality Pain Distraction, Hoffman & Patterson HITlab
University Washington
4. BCI Wheelchair, Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology Lausanne
5. Walking Assist, Honda Robotics
1. Immersion Room, DVE
2. 3D Holographic Technology, Musion
3. IPresence, EON Reality
4. TiLR, RoboDynamics
5. Polycom – 400 Series RPX
1. Immersive Wide Area Walking Center, World Viz
2. G-Speak, Oblong
3. Touchsense, Immersion Corporation
4. Cyberforce, CyberGloveSystems
5. Neurosky Mindset, Neurosky
This video is copyrighted by ImmersiveTech: immersivetech.org